
Catching Up

I'm not sure how I managed to miss "Red Dwarf"--or even what posessed me to add it to my Netflix list (the blurb might have compared it to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...). I've watched the first four episodes in the first series so far; the show is bizarre and hilarious--and it most definitely owes a debt to Douglas Adams with witty writing, characters like the existentially depressed toaster, and the Lister-as-god plot line (one of my favorite bits from HHGtG is the book title Well, That About Wraps it Up for God...or something to that extent). I have a two episode at a time limit, though--more than that just starts to hurt my brain (which really isn't all that difficult these days).

Life has been crazed for the past two weeks between travel (in Newburyport with Jennie and Karen then back to Boston for work for a day) and intensive QA mode at work for an upcoming db release...and intensive QA means that all my other work goes on hold...ready to spring up, all at once, the week after the release. I've also managed to get sick/get allergies which is always a fun thing to add to the mix of work/life stress. Don't even ask when the last time I went to a yoga class was.

On the positive side, the chenile baby blanket I'm working on is almost done and will require very little finishing, and I've started making up characters for a story. That's more than I usually can do creatively in the spring time, so that's good. I'd just really really really like some vacation time to re-charge and re-balance. Or maybe there is no such thing as "re-balancing"...maybe there's just figuring out how to let go/move on/deal. Who knows. Okay...more thoughts later...

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