
Sirsasana for What Ails You...

...so I hadn't gone to a yoga class in something like, um, 3 months until this past Thursday. I had started practicing at home a couple of weeks ago -- in part because the thought of having to stay on asthma medication any longer than necessary makes my stomach clench in knots -- and if yoga is about anything, it's about breathing. But the other part of practicing yoga again was something undefinable -- a recognition of lack of life-balance, and a lack of movement. I was sitting on the floor in the bedroom one night when the thought "Instead of sitting against this wall, I bet I could do sirsasana leaning against the wall..." occured, completely out of the ether. And I did, for the first ever on my own. Some part of me must have known that being upside down can help one move towards balance in life...

1 comment:

Jennie-Rebecca said...

Is that like shoulder stand? My yoga video "instructor" says that shoulder stand is "the queen of postures"---and it sure feels that way after I have practiced it!