
The It's-the-Middle-of-the-Week and I-Don't-Have-Much-to-Say Post

For your entertainment:

You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated

You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys

Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.

And you're dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

What Kind Of Coffee Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

I'm not feelin' it...but it was still a fun momentary diversion. And please don't ask why I felt the need to run out to Starbucks this afternoon and order a mint chocolate mocha frapuccino -- I took one sip and realized why I have avoided them for years. It didn't taste like coffee. It tasted like chemicals. Blech. That experience should keep me away for another few years.


Jennie-Rebecca said...

I am a plain olde cup o' joe, too. Must be the suburan upbringing. : )

--K. said...

I'm a peppermint cappucino. Of course, since I don't ever drink coffee (I know, I know, sacrilege to some of you) I had to make up answers to some of the questions-- but being a peppermint cappucino pegs me as someone who has very definite ideas about what they like, and can appear complex to outsiders but is really easy to please...