
List of Current Thoughts

I'm not quite sure where to start after a crazy January, so I'll just plunge in and see what thoughts come up. Here's what I've been thinking about/feeling lately from the sublime to the banal:

1. Upon wandering through Anthropologie on Bolyston Street this past week it occured to me that even though I adore almost every piece of clothing I see in the store (the skirts are too adorable--colors! Rick-rack!), buying any of them at all would require me to overhaul my entire wardrobe and to wear impractical shoes, not to mention the dreaded stockings .

2. I have a book buying problem. I figure this is less of an issue than, say, a drug or alcohol problem--it's cheaper, for one thing, and it doesn't have as negative an impact on those around me. The main issue is that books take up a lot of space. And they're heavy--not that that would stop me from traveling with them. I was unable to leave Boston without buying a book (Alice Hoffman's "The Probable Future," which I chose because of its New England specifc setting).

3. It made me unbelievably happy to run into my favorite English teacher from high school this past weekend.

4. I'd like to find more time to read poetry.

5. I'm never, ever, ever going to carry both my Mac and my IBM in one messenger bag again for fear of separating my shoulder.

6. I wonder if there's a way to find time to blog more consistently. Maybe shorter, more frequent posts....

7. There are a ton of really amazing knitting blogs out there--very inspiring. Here are a few of my current favorites:

Stitch Marker

All Tangled Up
Dogs Steal Yarn

And those four link to many other cool sites...so many sites, so little time...

8. I'm wondering about sending out old-fashioned valentines to people this year...and maybe a chocolate mousee or two...But then I think about how much I hate Valentine's Day--the horror of not getting a carnation in junior high, the stress of "enforced" giving (do you sense a theme here?). Then again, it's fun to give people unexpected gifts (which makes this holiday different from Christmas).

9. Knitting projects: must finish other fingerless glove for Stephen, restart poncho for Rebecca....then there's the chenille blanket for Kate (which she doesn't know about, but she probably hasn't checked in on this blog for a while, so I'm not too worried ;) ) I keep thinking of making something for myself, but it seems so wrong somehow.

10. Lurking deep underneath all of these thoughts are a whole nexus of other thoughts--about how sad I am for Jennie-Rebecca, who just lost her mum; that I'm happy because she's moving back the The Brick Arbor; how I don't want our parents to be ill or die; how losing that generation takes us just that much closer to mortality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all like getting chocolate!!! --Stephen